Inspirada por alguns projectos apresentados na comunidade Graphic45.ning decidi ir para a frente e começar a cortar os lindos papeis que comprei da colecção Botanical Tea da Graphic45. A principio não foi nada fácil, escolher o papel, este? não, não este é melhor! ou será melhor este? Depois de ter decidido qual o papel a usar e ter um pequeno layout na cabeça, foi altura de pegar na tesoura e lá tremulamente fui aproximando do papel e aiiii!!!! é melhor pensar melhor!!! lá fui estudar novamente os papeis e por onde começar a cortar de modo a estragar o menos possível....
Aiiii... como invejo aquelas que conseguem cortar estes lindos papeis sem pensar duas vezes, grrr!!!!
Bem, mas lá timidamente voltei à carga, e comecei a cortar uma flor aqui, um pássaro ali, e voilá!!!
Inspired by some projects submitted Graphic45.ning community, I decided to go ahead and start cutting the beautiful papers I bought the collection from Graphic45 Botanical Tea. The beginning was not easy, choose paper, this? no, this is better! or is this better? Once you have decided which paper to use and have a small layout in mind, it was time to grab the scissors and there tremblingly I approached the role and...aiiii!! you better think again! there was again studying the papers and where to start to cut in order to spoil as little as possible ....
Aiiii ... how I envy those who can cut these beautiful papers without thinking twice, grrr!!
Well, but there sheepishly returned to the charge, and began to cut a flower here, a bird there, and voila!
Aiiii... como invejo aquelas que conseguem cortar estes lindos papeis sem pensar duas vezes, grrr!!!!
Bem, mas lá timidamente voltei à carga, e comecei a cortar uma flor aqui, um pássaro ali, e voilá!!!
Inspired by some projects submitted Graphic45.ning community, I decided to go ahead and start cutting the beautiful papers I bought the collection from Graphic45 Botanical Tea. The beginning was not easy, choose paper, this? no, this is better! or is this better? Once you have decided which paper to use and have a small layout in mind, it was time to grab the scissors and there tremblingly I approached the role and...aiiii!! you better think again! there was again studying the papers and where to start to cut in order to spoil as little as possible ....
Aiiii ... how I envy those who can cut these beautiful papers without thinking twice, grrr!!
Well, but there sheepishly returned to the charge, and began to cut a flower here, a bird there, and voila!
Relógio alterado
abril 30, 2014
Inspirada por alguns projectos apresentados na comunidade Graphic45.ning decidi ir para a frente e começar a cortar os lindos papeis que com...